We all know that festive season is approaching and this is the right time for shopping. You won’t believe but it is true that many people wait for this festive time to buy prominent things for their family. Reasons can be many like heavy discount, availability of huge variety, festive enthusiasm, family togetherness, bonus from workplace etc. However, if you are the one looking forward to buy a new television then Your TV Buying Guide for this Festive Season is here from SMC International, check out.

Tips for Buying TV
- In this festive season, if you are running short of time then here the tips are shared which will help you in buying the TV appropriately. Don’t go for a TV with less than 4K resolution. Also avoid buying full HD or 1080p sets.
- You may also skip 8K TVs for the short interval of time as they are expensive, and 8K movies and shows are not available. You can buy 4K TV with models having features such as better picture and speakers.
- You can also look for 60 Hz or 120 Hz refresh rate, 60 Hz is good, but 120 Hz is fine. A higher refresh rate provides a smooth view of movies and shows when you watch live sports and gaming.
- Also choose HDR-compatible set offering more realistic colors and better contrast option.
- OLED TV sets look better than the most LCD sets
- It is equally important that TV you are buying must have ports.
- You may also plan to buy a sound bar because TV speakers are inferior these days because of thinner TV screens.
More About Your TV Buying Guide for this Festive Season
Screen size
If you are looking for basic or high performance television, the main thing to keep in mind is size of the screen. In this regard, check the number of people watch TV at a time. Then consider the place where you are going to keep your TV. Then choose the screen size that will fit in that space and budget. Usually living room considered the best to place the television. Screen size also depends on the spot where you will sit to watch television. For safety of your eyes, you should sit at a distance from the TV which is three times more than the height of the screen, if buying HD and one-and-a-half times the screen height for 4K Ultra HD is appropriate. If you have decided to place your television in bedroom or outdoors, there are many alternatives to fulfill this need.
Screen Resolution: 8K, 4K, HD
Screen resolutions denote the number of pixels that make up the picture on display, in terms of horizontal rows and vertical columns. More pixels means sharper picture and finer details thus higher resolution is better. Since many years, 1920 x 1080 has become the standard screen resolution all over the world. TV manufacturers are moving from Ultra HD /4K because these models have four times the number of pixels as compared to the present HDTV screens. The biggest advantage of 4K TV sets is that the small objects on the screen have more detail such as sharper text. Images are life like, richer, however, benefits can be subtle. The sharper picture has the benefit of providing you with the comfortable view from a shorter distance, larger TVs more comfortable to view in a regular-sized home. Ultra HD TV sets can be little expensive and results can be mixed and do not look sharp as original 4K programming.
HDR – For Those Who Love Colors
HDR is the latest feature added in HDR of 4K Ultra High Dynamic Range. TV with HDR feature provides beautiful color contrast, brightness, and versatile picture quality. HDR basically is the upgrade of 4K or Ultra HD format. Due to color feature, TV makers are now adding this feature in the upcoming TV sets which make TV unique from standard 4K Ultra to HD TVs.
Many advanced HDR licensed versions available in the market. The advanced HDR version aims at reducing noise and increase the sound quality. Every TV instilled with HDR feature gives excellent viewing quality and amazing color quality as well. Being advanced, still it does not receive a good start, as there are only few movies and programs that are compatible with HDR. Make sure, not to buy the TV just due to the reason supporting for HDR, still that standard has not been set
Refresh Rate
Your TV Buying Guide for this Festive Season includes the point refresh rate in TV. The Refresh rate is expressed in Hertz (Hz) which depicts how many times per second a picture is refreshed on the TV screen. Usually, the standard refresh rate is 60 times/second or you may say 60 Hz. However, in the scenes with rapid moving pictures, a 60 Hz refresh rate gives the blurry or jittery look, specifically on LCD HDTVs. For solid picture, manufacturers have increased the refresh rate from 60 Hz to 120 Hz and even up to 240 Hz. Due to lack of several per second images in the video, TV handles the faster refresh rates in various ways. One of the methods is to insert black images between original pictures. According to another technique, new images are inserted, showing the state of movement in between two adjacent pictures for more realistic look.
Port Selection
While making a purchase on a TV set, look for the TV sets with various ports to accommodate devices such as USB device etc. Still, some television sets in the marketplace provides only one port but others with advanced technology offers many ports.
Types of TV and Jargon
Basically, there are two types of TV sets available in the market-LCD and OLED.
LED and LCD TV Sets
In most of the cases, LED LCD TV sets are purchased. These HD and Ultra HD sets make use of LEDs to illuminate the LCD screen which can be very thin. Many such TVs light up only specific area on screen for better representation of light and dark areas in a specific scene – this feature is known as local dimming or active dimming. Most of the LCD sets use LEDs and better LED models support for active dimming. There are some LED TV sets consisted of light-emitting diodes behind the screen, in the grid of the zones. With such an arrangement, backlight becomes more precise and allow for a more-detailed picture about the contrast.
OLED TV have better full array with immense of the lighting zones. In OLED, backlight is not used and instead a layer of organic LEDs are used. This helps in controlling the pixel level in order to achieve black and eye-catching contrast levels.
Smart TV
With the huge number of TV sets coming with Wi-Fi to avail internet-based services or to run apps to watch special programs, downloading the movies, playing games etc. The latest Smart TV models provide the search facility for content across the streaming services and live programming on cable and satellite.
Bottom Line
There is hardly any need to get confused when it is to buy Television. Your TV Buying Guide for this Festive Season will help you in making a better choice. The in and out explanation about TV purchase this festive season, will definitely help you in making the best decision.